Steven Taylor - Oil Painting

Arcata Artisan since 2022

Looking back, my path in life was influenced by the arts from an early age but I didn’t call it art until high school. Traveling consumed much of the next period of life and in that fluid form art took on many different expressions. Even while growing a family with three sons, and the joys of building a home together, art always influenced our lives.  

A career in carpentry gave me fulfillment in creating and my thoughts of making furniture became a focus as I neared retirement. One son in art college had a course in outdoor painting. This gave us the opportunity to design and build two pochade, or travel painting boxes. After the initial setup and dismal failure of what was supposed to be a painting my career in art seemed dead on arrival. 

Now retired and some years later I find myself friends with the very artists I have admired since moving here 35 years ago. Many workshops and YouTube tutorials have given me the confidence to paint the beautiful scenery we live in. I am always consuming the views that pass by and searching for images that capture the imagination. Plein Air painting brings one close to the environment we live. There’s a story to tell everywhere you look, though I’ve found it’s helpful to be able to listen.  

A little bit about Steven…


Patricia Sennott


Zachary Shea