Anna Oneglia - Painting & Mixed Media

Arcata Artisan since 2016

A little bit about Anna…

I was born & raised in and around NYC, studying art at the Art Students League & Cooper Union School of Art in Manhattan, followed by the Boston Museum School of Fine Art. I was the kid in kindergarten who wanted to be an artist when they grew up, and my focus has always been on painting, drawing and printmaking.

Sketching is the start of my work, drawings made both on world travels and at home. In the studio I transfer ideas from these collected images to the canvas with brushes and oil paint, using imagination to combine them and collaged bits of gold leaf, paper & stamps to complete them. I’m interested in color, movement, people, and the diversity and beauty of the world. 

My prints are primarily wood & linoleum blocks, made with multiple color blocks or by hand coloring a single printed block. The quote prints are an ongoing series, adding words into the mix of imagery, and I make a few more of these each year (38 at current count).

More of my work can be seen at and studio visits can be made by appointment.


Amy Ellis Taylor


Betsy Roberts